Thursday, May 1, 2008


Just a quick update on my shoulder and computer situation.

My shoulder is a tad better, but not much. I felt better yesterday than I do today. Got up this morning and my whole arm especially my elbow and shoulder are just killing me. I go to my orthopedic surgeon next Monday so I will have him look at the darn thing. I broke my ankle a year an a half ago and had to have surgery so I'm just going for a check up and maybe he will see me for my shoulder too, if I'm still hurting. I hope I will not be hurting.

My new computer- well I called back yesterday about the new computer they are supposed to send me and they had NOTHING on the records about it. Sheesh! I don't know what to think about it. After telling them the long story about the BRAND NEW Dell computer I got Monday, 4/28/08, and about how several Dell Techs tried to help me with it and how Dell said they would send me a new system- well they said they would send me a new system, AGAIN! Who knows! I don't know whether to believe them or not. Sigh. I guess I'll find out in 8 business days. They told me they couldn't send me an email about all of this and so it all sounds bogus to me. Who knows! ha!

Until next time, Be Blessed.

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