Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 21, 2008

This edition of my personal blog might be listed under the definition of TMI- too much information. But, I had that tinkle dream again. I have it all the time. I just can't wake up normally with the urge to go to the bathroom, no. My mind has to create little dreams telling my sleeping self I need to go tinkle. Does anyone else have these kinds of dreams? Sometimes I have the same dream over and over. This morning's dream was different.

I dreamed I was in a huge building of some sort but apparently I knew there were movie theaters and some restaurants downstairs, so I went looking for a rest room. I asked a lady who was bussing a table where the bathroom was and she pointed to a tiny closet and said that was the only one. What! That was the only one in this huge building? Behind me was a group of people- men, women and children and of course they all needed to go to the bathroom too.

I went into the bathroom and the commode was a tiny little thing and the sink was a tiny little thing because--- this bathroom was a tiny little thing. And being a plus size lady who hates little tiny places I was getting anxious. I could barely close the door which of course wouldn't lock. The people outside who wanted to use the facilities too were all crowded against and leaning on the door with one child particularly trying to open the door. Here I was trying to do what you do in a bathroom with a child's hand slipping through the door and a crowd of people outside talking and so forth.

I cracked open the door and asked the lady with the child to please stop opening the door because it was hindering me from doing what I needed to do. A man behind her heard me and just burst out laughing hysterically and of course I woke up, needing desperately to go to the bathroom. What was unusual about this dream is usually when I dream these silly little dreams it's just me and no one else. This dream had people in it! Definitely different!

A couple of tinkle dreams I have are standards. One of them is of me going to a bathroom in a school or some place that has many stalls of toilets, some with doors and some without doors. I go from stall to stall and every commode is nasty. As I move on looking for a place to use the bathroom, each commode is not good enough for me to use. The floor is nasty, no tolit paper, dirty, whatever, but I just can't make myself use any of these toilets and so I wake up needing desperately to go to the bathroom.

The best tinkle dream and the one I have most often is the one where I am in some kind of fancy home. There are beautiful bedrooms and it seems like there are different wings to this house. As I go up and down the hallways of this home, there seems to be a bathroom at every other door. Each bathroom is more beautiful than the other. Some have ornate facilities and beautiful architecture and I am taken back at the beauty of each one, so much so I can't decide which one to use. I go back and forth exploring all these bathrooms until I wake up desperately needing to go to the bathroom. HA! Is this weird? Eh, probably not.

So I had my little bathroom dream this morning and it was a new one and I thought it was interesting. Definitely TMI, sorry! HA!

Tonight LOST comes on again and I can't wait! That's about all I have for right now so until next time, Be Blessed!

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