Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Crazy Rancher's Wife has tagged me. I know her as Lost in Texas because of our love for the TV show LOST and we met on a blog about the show. She's incredibly intelligent and creative and I love to read her blog. So.... she's tagged me and I told her my life is so boring that if I posted about it she would feel sorry for me. hahaaha. Anywho, here goes.....

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1) What was I doing 10 yrs ago?

Ten years ago I was doing the same thing I am doing now, I am a housewife. The year before (11 years ago) I was working at a garment factory (we called it the ole sweat shop) making winter coats. Of course NAFTA was passed and all of our jobs went to Mexico. It makes me so mad when I go to Walmart and see jackets we used to make with the logo Made in Mexico. I would still be working there if the plant hadn't shut down. Not too many jobs in my area and I enjoyed that one even though it really was a sweat shop and I would leave there everyday drenched in sweat to my undies. haha. I enjoyed working with all those women who were just like me. Since that job, I worked some at the post office as a temp on a computer putting bar codes on envelopes. OH SO BORING! It WAS the best paying job I have ever had though. But that job was only temporary for a few weeks a year for two years and so really for the last ten years I have been a stay at home wife and I have loved that also. This year I will be married 31 years. Long time. (See LOSTinTEXAS, I've been married almost as long as you have been alive!)

2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today.

Well since I do not have a little one anymore (my son is 29 years old) I can do whatever the heck I want to do today. It's so lovely really. But... I will definitely wash and fold laundry & cook and wash dishes. I need to dust and vacuum and I may do that if I feel like it. But probably I will stay here on my computer much too long. HA! And then, husband will come home and we will have supper, chat and so forth. I may go to the store after husband comes home. I just don't know. Nothing is written in stone and most of my days are like this. It's good in a way but sometimes I wish I had a schedule. I guess it's all how I look at it really.

3) Snacks I enjoy:

Is there a snack I do not like? Sheesh. Anything chocolate, but I have gotten myself hooked on Jujyfruits and at the moment they are definitely my favorite snack. I love them. TOO MUCH! Since my husband and I both are in dire need to lose weight, I should stay away from all snacks. We both need to. IT'S SO HARD!

4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

Well I can not fathom me ever having money, but if I did I would tithe 10 percent to my church. Yes, we are tithers. I totally believe in it and it's important to both my husband and me. Secondly, I would have to take care of each and every member of my family on both sides. No one in my family has money and most of us live one pay check to another. If I was a billionaire, taking care of them would give me the greatest pleasure in the world. Thirdly, I would also like to bring jobs to the area I live. We would start some kind of factory or something that would give people a good job with a good wage. That would make me happy. And for my own pleasure I would start something like a play house or something like that. I love plays and the arts. I love creative activities and things and I would like to have a place people could come that offered lessons in painting, writing, scrapbooking, theater, quilting and sewing, anything artistic. If I were a billionaire I wouldn't have to worry about it being profitable, it would just be for fun and learning. Finally my husband and I live very modestly. We don't need a load of money, but I would like to not have to worry about the future, which I do.

5) Three of my bad habits:

Oh I procrastinate also. I'm terrible about it. For example I need to start spring cleaning, I talk about it every day but haven't started yet. Of course along with procrastination is laziness. I'm lazy about things that need to be done, but if it's something I love to do, I can work at it for hours upon hours. I'm a worrier. I worry about the silliest of things and of course about important things. I worry about things I have absolutely no control over, but still worry about it. It's a sickness really. HA! I do not take care of myself. I need to lose weight, get more rest, excercise and all the stuff I should do but do not. I think I'm a mess! haha! One bad habit I finally kicked was smoking. I smoked for 31 years and I have been quit for 4 years so I am proud of myself for that. It is a disgusting filthy habit and the bad thing about it is, you know it's bad for you but its a powerful little thing. And until you stop smoking you do not realize how awful it smells. I could never smoke again because it stinks so bad. It totally turns me off and to think I probably offended so many people with my stinky smoking. I didn't have a clue. I guess I'm dense.

6) 5 places I have lived:

Most of my life I have lived here in Southern WV. I was born and raised here and I do not want to live any other place. My son doesn't understand this and I really can't either but that's how I feel. I'm not good with change. I have lived for a few months, not years in: Tulsa, OK. Alexandria, VA. Atlanta, GA. The longest being about 7 months in GA. As you can see all of these were cities and I hated every single place. Tulsa- too flat, there are tornados and did I mention there are tornados. I have never been so scared in my life. Alexandria- too city slickerish. Everyone seemed on a high horse and I was a country pumpkin to them. I was a like a fish out of water. Atlanta- well, it was so hot, and the time I spent down there (around 12 years of age) they were still fighting the civil war it seemed to me. It was just wildly different than what I was used to. It's been 34 years since I have lived anywhere else but WV and I know things have changed so much in each of these cities. Not much has changed here. That's why I like it. I'm a country girl. I don't like the concrete jungles and I hope I will never live in one again.

7) 5 jobs I have had:

The first job I ever had was working in my mother's little fabric shop in our little town. My mother gave me a love for fabrics and sewing and I love to quilt and embroider still, but carpel tunnel has about stopped me from doing these things I love. I've been a waitress at the Dairy Queen. I've worked in a deli at the local grocery store. As mentioned earlier I worked in a garment factory and I have worked for the Post Office for a bit. I have a non paying job that I do take pride in and that is being the webmaster for my church's website. It's fun to do and the members of my church seem to enjoy it alot. I think of it as a little ministry for my home church.

The best job I ever had was being a mother. Children are so important and they didn't ask to be born and I feel if it is at all possible one parent should stay home to be there for their little one. I miss those days when my son was under my feet. There are times I wish I could go back to those days because I feel like they were some of the best days of my life. I miss my son needing me like he used to. These days are good though and my job now is just being a house wife. I don't really think that is a job though. And it's all good.

8) 5 bloggers that I wanna know more about:

Well, LostinTexas, I do not know many bloggers. Just you and Ana from the Lost Diary. Blogging is new to me so I'm sure there are many new friends I will meet, I will just have to start venturing out there more. Thanks for tagging me. It was fun answering the questions even though I haven't had the exciting and different life you have had. You are still young and have that little one there with you. Cherish each and every day you have with him.

So until next time, Be Blessed.

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